Forks are of course associated with food. But forks in the garden? We were skeptical. And so was the blogger behind The Danger Garden. "Naturally when I saw this my first thought was WWTT (what where they thinking)," she writes. However, she really needed to solve a problem of her own: warding off the neighbor's cats. "Seriously, it's disgusting what the cats have done to any open patch of soil in my garden," she explains.
Therefore, in an effort to thwart these garden intruders, she decided to stick the plastic silverware in her yard. "You've got to know if I'm willing to plunge plastic cutlery into my garden it must be pretty bad!" It's a disastrous problem many can relate to. Luckily, this solution could not be any easier.
The Danger Garden blogger stuck clear cutlery (knives, forks and spoons) into her garden. She was impressed that the clear objects were virtually invisible and that they successfully kept the cats away.
"What furry little kitty bum wants to be caught crouching over a knife?" The Danger Garden humorously writes.
So far, dozens of The Danger Garden readers have left positive comments on the article. "Thanks for this! I've been trying to find a way to prevent my dog from sitting in my flowerbed and squishing the bulbs that are just now poking through," writes Anzelina.
Another reader, Shirley Fox, offers her own tip for using spiky sticks to keep squirrels out of her garden. Shirley Fox remarks she would try The Danger Garden's cutlery hack, as plastic forks are longer than most spiky sticks in her own garden, and thus more likely to effectively keep pests away.
Mark and Gaz were pleased with their own success using the plastic fork hack. They also recommend using dried bamboo canes with stems still intact to deter cats from disturbing plants.
How do YOU keep cats and other pests out of your garden? Tell us and SHARE this article on social media!